Kat (katalunia.eth)

I'm a product manager and startup builder based in Berlin.

I am currently Head of Product at Gitcoin. Previously I was Head of Product at Zora, an Ethereum platform for creators and in my past life I built tools for musicians at companies such as Ableton, SoundCloud and BCG Digital Ventures. In my spare time I build social good projects like berlinpalastina.org and closecontact.club, produce cultural events and volunteer my tech skills to local community initiatives.

I travelled to Gaza in June 2023 to be a mentor in product management for the community at Gaza Sky Geeks, who I'm supporting with this project.

You can listen/read more about the project on the Press page.

About me

How does it work?

Funds sent to Gaza
Families evacuate via Rafah

I will donate to the people who I'm fundraising for.

Send your ETH to ethevacuations.eth 0x8D5bF23b181EA94d3104d4192acb52427E54875A

Currently ~1.5 ETH or 5k USD will pay for an adult to evacuate and survive. ~0.6 ETH or 2k USD will get a child to safety.

Send ETH

Families will be able to pay the coordination fees to evacuate from Gaza via the Rafah crossing.

About ETH Evacuations